Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Guidelines To Improve Work Life Balance

A flexible arrangement of meeting personal, professional and family goals in day-to-day life can be referred to as work-life balance. Splitting energy and time among the profession and other vital aspects of life is often tricky and challenging. Each and every individual in these competitive times play the multiple numbers of roles, have elevated hours at workplaces, share amplified responsibilities at home, have small families, are too involved in technology and have social obligations too and all of these are to be balanced. Hence, every possible effort should be made that stress caused at the workplace does not reflect on the family time at home and vice-versa.

A severe consequence of lower work-life balance has been observed throughout, I take courage to share some:-
  • Reduced job satisfaction among employees, giving rise to elevated levels of anxiety and pressure.
  • Adversely affects the health of employees, their immune systems and fosters stress levels among them.
  • Rising working hours give birth to heightened expectations, which may or may not be fulfilled at all times. Thus, giving rise to mutual dissatisfaction between employers and employees.
  • No/less time for the family makes them feel left out and this often leads to damaged relationships.
  • Has an adverse effect on the economy as a whole.
With such ill effects of poor work-life equilibrium, each and every role of the society is pushed to darkness. Here, I pin down a few tactics to follow to improve the way of life:-
  • Try to live in an ‘as-in-now’ moment rather than following a fixed formula in life. No standard work schedule can be designed to cater to day-to-day life calls. Thus, accept that there exists no perfect balance between work and personal life.
  • A hobby turned into the profession will liberate you to never go to work on any day in your lifetime, rather you spend soul-fulfilling quality time at work. On the other hand, doing something you detest, in a toxic environment with a toxic boss calls for unnecessary anxiety.
  • Making your mental, physical and emotional health a priority fetches you all ace cards.
  • Practicing meditation regularly, taking quick and short breaks and going on vacations from regular life sets aside more stress than anything else.
  • Prioritizing time spend with loved ones, doing fond things and strictly setting boundaries of working hours is very much important.
Subsequent to following above steps in improving work-life balance, one starts to rear its advantages, some are listed as under:-
  • Improved levels of productivity and efficiency on all fronts of life.
  • Reduced levels of absence from work, due to illness and anxiety among employees.
  • Absolutely determined personnel at the work front.
  • Totally perked-up customer service.
  • Reduced employee turnover in organizations.
  • Increased number of applicants for the job vacancies announced for the concern.

Just as “not one size fits all” just one plan or similar strategies does not help each one and a complete equilibrium of such roles cannot be attained but still, a series of continuous efforts and practices may definitely facilitate relief from unnecessary stress and improve quality of life. It is been rightly said that everything worth fighting for unbalances your life and there is no such thing as work-life balance.

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